Bingham Arabians
Breeding Crabbet/CMK Arabians with a special emphasis on the
McCoy & Azraff/Ferzon bred-horses
We believe that the heart of the Arabian has been bred for generations as in days of old and still prove that today with their wide variety of disciplines that they excel in today. No longer a war horse depended upon to make it through the day, but now a friend that many of us still depend on to make it through the day.
Having been involved in the horse industry with 15+ years in Training, Lessons/Instruction, Farm Management and Breeding. In 2001 we began to focus on breeding these beautiful and legendary Arabian horses. Our focus and goal is to breed beautiful Arabians, with tons of type, yet are athletic as well, allowing them to compete in a variety of disciplines and succeed. Our horses have and will excel in a variety of disciplines such as; Halter, Sport Horse In-Hand, Dressage, Hunter Pl., Hunter/Jumper, Country English Pl, Show Hack, Western Pl., Reining, Cutting, Trail, and Endurance WITHOUT compromising beauty, type or conformation.
Good sound minds is a BIG must, as is correct conformation with a form-to-function belief. We breed Crabbet/CMK lines, focusing on the McCoy and Azraff/Ferzon bloodlines, as well as others including some Polish lines to achieve our "Ideal Arabian".
Visitors are always welcome
Aaron & Cindy Bingham